Chopped! *Has Mental Breakdown*

Lets be honest...I'm sure everyone reading this post has at some point gotten bored of their hairstyle. To become weary of your hair is unavoidable simply because, I believe, it is part of human nauture to lust for change and adventure. 

Feeling Audacious and Ready for a Change!

Every time you look in the mirror you can't help but notice a monotonous blob of hair just sitting on the top of your head. You long for what you don't have whether that be a waterfall of luscious locks or a short, super chic hairdo. Tired of your pretty yet stodgy hair you decide to take a leap of faith and make the change you've daydreamed about for so long. So, you make an appointment with your hairstylist and go in for the makeover. Everything is fine and dandy until you look in the mirror after the chop and realize you've made a grave and terrible mistake. Instead of the edgy hairstyle you pictured in your mind, you are left with a mess of unruly hair.

Not so brave anymore....

Well, after you have had a nice long cry coupled with a well-earned mental breakdown, it is time to get yourself together and figure out your next line of action, after all you are a strong, put-together individual.

So here you have it...a list of ideas to grow your hair...AND FAST!

1. The Inversion Method--Okay this may seem crazy, but it works; I can vouch for it.
Basically for the Inversion Method you need some kind of enriching, moisturizing oil that you can apply to your scalp. The possibilities are endless: olive oil (the one I used), coconut oil, argan oil, jojoba oil...the list goes on and on. You must lightly heat up the oil so that it is warm to the touch. (Note: You do not have to make it super hot unless you want to burn your scalp!) Next, thoroughly apply the oil to your scalp by massaging it in with your fingers. Make sure you get your whole scalp and continue gently rubbing for about 3-4 minutes. Afterwards, tilt your head, either by doing a handstand, lying over your bed or simply bending over, for about 5 minutes. Slowly...I repeat, slowly, rise back up and continue on with your life. Do this method for a week about every 3-4 weeks. Do not use the method too often or else your body will get used to the routine and the shock of blood flow will not stimulate hair growth as efficiently. You should grow about an inch of hair in a week. I grew about 3/4 of an inch in a week.

2. Do Not Wash Your Hair Everyday--Especially if you have dry hair
As weird as it may seem to some people washing your hair everyday is not healthy for it. Try to avoid everyday shampooing and do it every other day or two instead, depending upon how greasy your hair gets.
Washing hair everyday strips the hair of natural oils which protect it and keep it moisturized, promoting healthy growth. If you start feeling self-conscious about the greasiness and can't seem to embrace it, try using a dry shampoo in between washes.

3. Vitamins!
Vitamins such as Biotin are known to promote hair growth...FAST! Another widespread, yet somewhat expensive, vitamin supplement which has become popular is Viviscal. Although, the brand is pretty expensive it is known for it's magical hair growing powers. Country Life's Maxi-Hair is another great option which seems to have worked for lots of people. It's also cheaper then Viviscal which is great! Lastly, oddly enough, prenatal vitamins have been found to be great in encouraging hair growth. In my humble opinion, a regular skin, hair and nails vitamin should help as well even if it may not grow hair as fast as some of the previously mentioned supplements, it will definitely make your hair healthier. (NOTE: You should check with a doctor before starting any vitamins/supplements and only take the recommended amount!!!)

 Country Life Maxi-Hair

Viviscal Extra Strength

There you have it: three tips to hopefully get you your tresses back. Change is good so don't let this small set-back make you scared to take risks. And remember...plenty of people have been where you are and survived! Your not alone considering I too have recently chopped my hair in an effort to produce an edgy layered look. The result: a butchered mess of random layers that don't curl properly. As a result, I too am trying to hurriedly regain my desperately missed just-above-the-shoulder curls.

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