Dress Up Your Next Card (*Pun Intended*)

So, back in February, I made a card for my sister's 18th birthday.

Something like what I ended up making

To lay out the story, I should start by explaining that when I was younger, I used to make cards ALLLL the time. I didn't even have to have a reason! I would just sit around with my markers and glitter glue for hours making cards. I think I probably made the most for my Mom because I used to crank those things out like there was no tomorrow! Not only did I make cards, but I got super creative with it. One time, I made this card for my aunt and uncle, when they moved, that was in the shape of a house. The two flaps were attached with glittery string and I had glued together two different pieces of construction paper to create a different color on each side of the flaps. I even thought of a poem to write in it. So as you can tell, I'm not joking when I say that I went hard core.
Look at all the cutesy patterns!

Anyways, after my Elementary, and even Middle school, days I didn't quite get the same magnificent rush from painstakingly creating intricate card designs. In fact, I hadn't made a card in two or three years, but, naturally, I wanted to make something new and special for my sister because this was a big day for her! After doing much research on none other than Pinterest, I was starting to feel bummed because all the DIY cards looked super complicated and time consuming and with my meager time frame of a hour, it seemed like I wasn't going to be able to whip up anything particularly astounding. Well, just when I thought I would leave out the card, I stumbled upon this site which gave awesome step-by-step instructions on how to make an origami dress, which I could then attach to a card. If you're artsy and have the time, I think you should definitely give this DIY a try! Surprisingly, it's not one of those trendy yet completely impossible tutorials that Pinterest is oh so famous for.

Add your own touch with some cute prints!

If this were real, I think I would actually wear it

Here's the link: Super Cool Origami Dress

And lastly, here's the card that I actually made! Not perfect but pretty good for the time constraint I think.
(Note: Dress made out of tissue paper but hey gotta make do with what ya got)

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