An Actual Post...


So, I think it's safe to say that it has been a while since my last post!

I got so caught up with school in the last few months that I haven't had time to post much. Actually, I find that the last few months of school are quite possibly the worst. At this point I'm pretty tired of schoolwork and all my classes. By the time February (and sometimes sooner) rolls around, I'm counting down the weeks until the end of school.  In those last few months, you not only have to think about grades but also about AP tests, SATs and of course the dreaded finals! All in all, I SURVIVED and I'm officially a senior!!

 An Explanation of Finals


Anyways, this post is about keeping your cool.

We've all encountered someone or someone(s) that push us to the edge. This is may be an individual that you never see eye to eye with. Someone that makes subtle statements under his breath or quite possibly, bluntly makes offensive remarks to your face. You may have known this person for a lifetime or just met him within the last hour. Either way they're pushing your buttons and you're contemplating whether going to jail is worth it.

I know that at times it's hard to listen to people's nasty comments without exploding but you should always keep calm. In order to keep a situation under control and prevent the problem from blowing up, it's important for you to keep perspective. Don't strike back with hateful comments and an accusing voice. Instead, remember your manners and be polite. There is no need to sink to this person's level, after all, you're the more mature individual if you can learn to hold your tongue. Don't get me wrong, it's perfectly acceptable to stand up for yourself , in fact it's very important to do so, but in doing so you should continue to be conscientious. As everyone knows, the best way to triumph someone is to keep your manners and not sink to their level.

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